Lunch & Learn: Antisemitism and Bridging the Divide Between Minority Cultures: A Conversation with Hen Mazzig

Posted on: 02/23/2022

Over 100 million users have interacted with Hen Mazzig’s online content and his Instagram has a higher engagement rate than Kim Kardashian, Cristiano Rinaldo, and Nike. Hen has appeared as an expert on Jewish issues on four continents, over 500 college campuses, BBC, SkyNews, TEDx, and countless Shabbat dinners.

On Wednesday, February 16, 2022 the Israel Tennis & Education Centers held an eye-opening conversation with Hen, who shared his unique views and personal stories and shed light on the global antisemitism crisis that continues to threaten Jews around the world.

A special guest from the Israel Tennis & Education Centers, Rakefet Benyamini joined the conversation and shared how ITEC is working tirelessly to bridge the divide and connect different cultures in Israel through inclusive social programming.