Ramat Hasharon

Larry Greenspon Israel Tennis & Education Center – Ramat Hasharon

Since 1976, ITEC Ramat Hasharon continues to cultivate excellence and leadership through its unique tennis and social impact programs, nurturing generations of Israeli children to become leaders in their community. It has paved the way for a network of 17 ITEC Centers (and counting) throughout Israel, each contributing to profound social change, from Kiryat Shmona in the North to Beer Sheva in the South. Canada Stadium was inaugurated at the center in 1979 and has served Israel’s national Davis and Fed Cup Teams ever since, as well as hosting international ATP Tournaments. Offering state of the art facilities, ITEC’s flagship Center is the crown jewel of the organization, serving as a place of pilgrimage for talented young athletes dreaming of success.

As the home of ITEC’s High Performance Academy, the courts at Ramat Hasharon have produced some of the greatest athletes in Israeli sports history. Names such as Amos Mansdorf, Anna Shmashnova and Harel Levy are just a few of the men and women who have passed through the center’s doors on the road to great success.

Featured Social Impact Programs

  • Youth At Risk
  • Special Needs
  • Healthy Living

ITEC Ramat Hasharon Center Manager:Ilan Maman

If you would like to visit ITEC Ramat Hasharon, please contact Sophie Katz-Sulam at sophiek@tennis.org.il