ITEC – Who We Are

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Posted on: 12/13/2021

At the Israel Tennis & Education Centers, we believe there is nothing more powerful than a child who is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Where the path to success is marked with obstacles, whether they be based on gender, disability, ethnicity, economic disparity or circumstance, we build bridges. 

Children are the greatest hope for Israel, but to create a better tomorrow, we must first build the foundation for change today. The Israel Tennis & Education Centers is forging a new path where division, ignorance, and hatred are instead met with inclusion, education, individual excellence and love. This is the path to a stronger Israeli society.

For almost five decades, the Israel Tennis & Education Centers has been laying these foundations through a unique mix of tennis, education, mentorship and support services for over 7,000 children each week. For so many children whose young lives have been marked by unimaginable hardship, adversity and suffering, the Israel Tennis & Education Centers is a beacon of hope.

While we cannot change the whole world, we can change the whole world for one child.