
Elizabeth & Lawrence Krulik Family Israel Tennis & Education Center – Tiberias

The historic city of Tiberias is in Northern Israel bordering the Sea of Galilee (the “Kinneret”). Considered to be one of Judaism’s holiest cities, Tiberias offers many attractions, including an ancient sector that is home to the tombs of prominent Jewish figures such as Maimonides. The city is also renowned for its legendary hot springs that have attracted travelers seeking relief from various ailments for thousands of years.

With over 12,000 youth under the age of 18 living in Tiberias, ITEC Tiberias plays an integral role in stabilizing and improving the local community. Through its Living Together Program the children of Tiberias and the neighboring Arab village of Ilabon play and learn on the same court together. But more than sport itself, the purpose of the program is to instill values of tolerance and cooperation between Arab and Jews.

Featured Social Impact Programs

  • Youth At Risk
  • Teen Step Up
  • Ethiopian Embrace
  • Living Together
  • Special Needs
  • Girls Empowerment
  • Head Start

ITEC Tiberias Center Manager: Deor Cholaria