
Israel Tennis & Education Center – Akko

Dating back thousands of years, the city of Akko is considered one of the oldest continually inhabited sites in the world. During the Second Lebanon War, tens of thousands of Israeli residents found themselves under the constant threat of daily rocket fire. As a result, the Israel Tennis & Education Centers, partnering with the local community, recognized the need to create a safe haven for the children of Akko. As one of the most diverse cities in Israel, with a large percentage of Jews, Muslims, and Christians calling the city home, ITEC Akko considers their Living Together program one of the shining jewels amongst its many social outreach programs.

At our center in Akko children of different ethnicities and religious backgrounds play and work together in a loving and accepting environment. With 25% of the city’s residents of Muslim origin, our Living Together program plays a crucial role in creating a brighter future for the children of Akko by teaching tolerance and understanding. Whether they are native born Israelis, Muslims, or Ethiopian and Russian born Jews, our doors are open to every child who can benefit from the formative programs offered by ITEC.

ITEC Akko also hosts national and international competitions throughout the year for various levels including: a European ranking competition for the 14 year old age group and a Future competition for adults. Over 150 athletes compete from 15+ countries.

Featured Social Impact Programs

  • Living Together
  • Twinned Peace Kindergarten
  • Youth At Risk
  • Special Needs
  • Girls Empowerment
  • Healthy Living

ITEC Akko Center Manager: Zehava Aharon

If you would like to visit ITEC Akko, please contact Sophie Katz-Sulam at sophiek@tennis.org.il